1) The look and feel of the button can be changed using the Appearance property of the button. There are 4 properties primary, secondary, tertiary and transparent.
2) You can also make use of the Semantics property also to change the button colour, where there are four options like info, success, warning and error.
3) If the default Appearance and Semantics combinations do not give you the desired look and feel, you can modify the corresponding css classes. Below are the class that gets added to the button widget based on the selection made.
- Class: .ett-bttn
- Appearance: primary (.pri), secondary (.sec) , tertiary (.ter), transparent (].tsp)
- Semantics: Info (.inf), success (.suc), warning (.war), Error (.err)
4) You can also add custom css class for the button styling in the css file and include the class name to the CSS class property. This approach is not recommended as custom css classes require additional creation and mapping effort.